Going through a divorce can be among the hardest events a family will ever experience, especially when children are involved. It is rare that parents will agree on each aspect of a divorce and issues of child custody, visitation, and child support can be central points of contention. While it is important to consider what works best for […]
It is no secret that divorce is often one of the most complex and emotional experiences of a person’s life. While nobody ever wants to entertain the thought of a relationship that was once thought to last forever coming to an end, marriages can break down and spouses can drift apart in their desires and values that […]
Parents who have a track record of missing child support payments will soon find that the State of Texas has augmented its toolkit in collecting funds. A new law, effective as of September 1, 2016, will give the state the ability to reject the renewal of vehicle registration for parents who are more than six payments behind […]
Life is constantly changing and it can be difficult to know what the coming months will bring. This can be especially true after a marriage has come to an end. A living arrangement which may have been in the family’s best interest at the time of a divorce, may not be the optimal situation moving forward. […]
While the holidays are typically a joyous time of family gatherings and giving thanks, this time of year can be a considerable struggle for families of divorce. In addition to being a reminder of relationships that once were, many parents can often encounter conflict regarding how they will share custody of their children during the holiday season. […]
January has become a surprisingly popular month for divorce filings. According to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, January is one of the busiest times for family law firms, with divorce filings increasing in January and peaking in March. Online dating profiles also tend to increase in January as well. Sites like eHarmony reported a […]
Divorce can be a difficult time for many people. However, others find it a particularly comfortable experience. Despite the fact that half of all marriages end in divorce and many people know at least one divorced individual, myths are prevalent surrounding the ending of a marriage. We’ve assembled a few of the most common ones […]
A prenuptial agreement (prenup) is a contract a couple signs before they get married. An increasing number of couples are signing prenups before they marry, and these contracts are even more popular when couples remarry for the second time. However, they do come with a long history. People have been signing contracts before marriages for years. So, […]
If you choose to get a divorce and have children from your marriage, then you will be required to create a parenting plan as part of your divorce agreement. A parenting agreement essentially dictates the terms of your relationship as independent adults while taking on parenting responsibilities for your children. This includes things such as […]
The divorce process varies depending on which state you live in. Some states require you to live in the state for at least 6 months before divorcing, while others might need a shorter amount of time. We’ve outlined the steps to getting a divorce in the state of Texas. Step 1: Determine Eligibility You and […]