Divorce can be complicated, and tax season can add additional stress. Determining who claims the children on taxes can be especially challenging for divorcing couples. Therefore, it’s important to understand your rights and responsibilities when claiming dependents in a divorce. Fortunately, some guidelines can help divorcing couples determine who should claim their kids on their […]
The divorce process can be overwhelming even if you and your spouse are amicable. Negotiating property division, child custody, and other terms stirs up emotions and can create tension. If you can’t agree on an arrangement, seeking legal action might be necessary. Resolving disputes during a divorce is challenging. Each party focuses on getting what […]
In Texas, you can end a marriage in several ways. Two common means of getting out of a marriage are divorce and annulment. What’s the difference? A divorce is a legal ending of a marriage. A divorce does not wipe the marriage away: it dissolves it. A divorce in Texas results in the division of […]
Getting a divorce is never pleasant. There are money, property, and possessions to be divided. There are laws that govern how some possessions must be divided. If you or your spouse have a pension or stock options that won’t be available for some time, how do those get handled? If you have children, you’ll need […]
Seeking custody of your children can be difficult for all parties involved. From figuring out court dates to communicating with your lawyers to providing care for your children, there are many aspects of a child custody case that can become overwhelming. At , we work hard to make sure you and your family are well […]
Social media has become ubiquitous in our lives. We go to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok to share the day-to-day experiences in our lives with family and friends. Often, we also share our thoughts and feelings, whether we are happy, sad, angry, or excited. Unfortunately, social media can also be used against you in […]
After a separation, one of the things parents find most difficult is the reality of having to spend so much time away from their child. In many cases, one parent will have significantly less time with a child than their ex does. This can be challenging, especially if there is ill will between the two […]
In Texas, the way that child custody is handled is sometimes misunderstood when it comes to the child’s preference of where to live. Prior to 2010, a child at least 12 years of age had the option to submit a preference to the court in writing about which parent’s home they preferred as their primary […]
In Texas, Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) are considered to be community property. This means that the property is communal and owned equally by both partners in the marriage. There are exceptions, such as a portion of the account that was established by one spouse prior to the beginning of the marriage. Since Texas is a […]
Are you facing a family law concern? We understand that this time in your life can be filled with emotion and we aim to provide your clients with valuable representation and peace of mind. Any family law case can be highly stressful and the individuals involved often feel consumed with grief and anxiety. At the […]